Hide Inactive Sites 1.1 Released

New version of Hide Inactive Sites has been released. Get it while it’s hot!


  • Added new options to mark site as archived and/or deleted
  • Added new option to leave site visibility as it currently is
  • Added email sent to site administrators when it gets hidden
  • Added several filters to customize the email being sent

Hide Inactive Sites 1.0.2 Released

New release after getting some feedback. The plugin was actually featured on wpmu.org.


  • Added new option for excluding additional sites (main site will always be excluded)
    • Fixed a minor bug where users were getting error in exclude sites text box when there was no value.
  • Added new option for supplying a minimum number of posts for a site to be safe.

WordPress Multisite, nginx and Permalinks

So, at my day job, we are setting up a new web server with WordPress Multisite running nginx instead of Apache. For whatever reason, all of the permalinks include /index.php/ and you can’t remove it. If you do remove it, once the page has been saved it’ll be right back on there.

To fix this, you can go into your theme file at the top and add the following:

global $is_apache;
$is_apache = 1;

After adding that, go back to your permalinks page and it should be gone.

Client Status 1.3 Released

Listed below are the release notes:

  • Added number of clients to the Right Now widget on the dashboard. This is just the total number, not the number that needs updating. The actual number takes you to the edit page for the clients. The word Client(s) takes you to the dashboard.
  • Added quick information to each client on the dashboard. There is a setting to enable/disable in the Settings.
  • On the dashboard for each client, added a debugging link to view the client data being passed. You can find this to the right of the Server Information heading.
  • Added the beginnings for translations.

Client Status 1.2 Released

Listed below are the release notes:

  • Added client type to edit.php for Clients. This is the table displaying the list of all Clients, it now has a custom column displaying the Client Type.
  • Added post, comment, and server information to data file.
    • Now you can know what version of PHP, MySQL, and the OS your client server is running.
    • Also displays the number of pending posts and comments the server has.
    • Note: this data won’t show up until you’ve updated the plugin on your client servers and the data has refreshed on your main dashboard server.
  • Added new setting to allow expanding all client information by default.
  • Updated style.css to make green color not as annoying.
  • Fixed bug on settings page where “Settings Saved” message would display twice.